January Mazel Tovs

Mazel tov to  Shmuel Leib and Mya (Class of  ’07) Beitsch on the birth of a baby girl, Nechamah, who was born in Eretz Yisrael. May Shmuel Leib and Mya have much nachas from all of their wonderful children.

Mazel tov to Yisrael Simcha and Malka Norman on their recent marriage. Malka is the mother of Gital Levin (Class of ’17). May Yisrael Simcha and Malka merit to build a bayis ne’eman b’Yisrael.

Mazel tov to Manny and Rochel Leah (Class of ’09)  Topas on the birth of a baby boy. May Manny and Rochel Leah merit to raise their son to a life of Torah, to the marriage canopy and to good deeds.

Mazel to  Akiva and Ela (Class of ’12) O’Connor on their recent marriage. May Akiva and Ela merit to build a bayis ne’eman b’Yisrael.

Mazel tov to Drs. Joe and Roni Rothstein on the birth of a grandson to Moshe and Miriam Rothstein of Lakewood. May Moshe and Miriam merit to raise their son to a life of Torah, to the marriage canopy and to good deeds. Mazel tov to big sister Chani. Much nachas to the proud grandparents and great-grandparents!

Mazel tov to Adam and Dani Kabins on the birth of a daughter. Dani is Mesorah’s Assistant Director of Development and Alumni Relations. May the Kabins have much nachas from their new daughter and from big sister Tzippy.

Mazel tov to all of the families!