February Mesorah Mazel Tovs

A very big heartfelt Mazel tov

to Liat Rafaelov (Class of ’12) on her engagement to Lenny Nourafchan of Los Angeles. Mazel tov to the entire Rafaelov and Nourafchan families. May the young couple be zoche to build a bayis ne’eman b’yisrael.

to Yoni and Yonah (Class of ’07) Chatzinoff on the birth of a baby girl, Esther Leba. Mazel tov to the entire Chatzinoff and Levin families and to big sister Miri. May the Chatzinoffs have much nachas from their wonderful daughters.

to Chaviv and Aviva (Class of ’05) Friedman on the birth of their son Hillel in Israel. Mazel tov to the entire Friedman and Berkovitch families. May the Friedmans merit to raise their son to a life of Torah, the marriage canopy and a life of good deeds.

to Efrayim and Rachel (Bermanski) Marks on their marriage. Mazel tov to the entire Bermanski and Marks families. May the young couple be zoche to build a bayis ne’eman b’yisrael.

to  Shmuel Leib and Mya (Class of  ’07) Beitsch on the birth of a baby girl, Nechamah, who was born in Eretz Yisrael. May Shmuel Leib and Mya have much nachas from all of their wonderful children. Mazel tov to the entire Naor and Beitsch families.

Mazel tov!