Mesorah Mazel Tovs!!!!

Mazel tov to Moshe and  Yulia (Dykman) Hill on the birth of a baby girl, Talia Liora. Mazel tov to the entire Dykman and Hill families.

Mazel tov to Shaya and Shani (Rosenberg) Fox on the birth of a baby boy. Mazel tov to the entire Rosenberg and Fox families.

Mazel tov to Zoe Schechter (Class of ’13) on her engagement to Moshe Azatchi of Deal, NJ. Mazel tov to the entire Schechter and Azatchi families. May the young couple merit to build a bayis ne’eman b’yisrael.

Mazel tov to Aaron and Sivan (Naor) Kluger on the birth of a baby boy. Much nachas and mazel tov to the entire Naor and Kluger families.

Mazel tov!!!