The purpose of Mesorah High School for Girls is to cultivate a Torah-centered community of responsibility and friendship, and through a framework of academic excellence, to instill in each student a love of learning and a deep  understanding of her unique role as a Jewish woman.

Torah-Centered Culture
At Mesorah we strive to demonstrate the beauty of the Torah worldview by  nurturing, challenging and developing each student’s spiritual personality. Every facet of our educational program serves the ultimate goal of fostering a lifelong commitment to Torah living.

Academic Excellence
Mesorah’s dual-curricular focus provides excellent Judaic and college-preparatory programs. Our intensive Judaic program enlightens each student in Bible, Prophets, Jewish law and history, ethics, philosophy, and Hebrew language. Our comprehensive college-preparatory program firmly grounds each student in all major disciplines: mathematics, the sciences, history and language arts as well as economics, computer science, drama, studio art, music, psychology, and physical education.

Responsibility and Friendship
School life at Mesorah is unique in that all students feels a strong sense of unity and responsibility towards each other. Our hallways are infused with the spirit of camaraderie, sensitivity, and respect.

Beyond the four walls of the classroom, Mesorah considers it essential that our students participate in community service activities in the Dallas area. Students visit the homebound, volunteer at nursing homes, collect food for the needy, and help educate special-needs children. In the living classroom, our young women realize their kinship with all Jews and develop the lifelong habit of serving their community.

Unique Role as a Jewish Woman
Our tradition teaches us that when you educate a girl, you educate a generation. Mesorah provides an inspirational experience and environment in which a student spends her formative years developing a distinctive integrated personality that will take her throughout life. By establishing a caring atmosphere of individual attention from outstanding role models, we tap into the limitless potential of each your woman.