MAZEL TOV to our Teaching Intern

Mazel tov to Rachel Offenberg and Eliyahu Switzer on their engagement! Rachel is in her second year as a teaching intern at Mesorah. Mazel tov to their families and much brocha v’ hatzlocha to the Chasan and Kallah.

 There will be a L’CHAIM tonight at the home of Oscar and Aviva Rosenberg, 6203 Turner Way, at 7:00 pm. All are invited.

One thought on “MAZEL TOV to our Teaching Intern

  1. MAZAL TOV, RACHELLI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MAY U HAVE TONZ OF BRACHA V’HATZLACHA IN THE FUTURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! U ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE U!!!!!!!!!!!!

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