Mazel Tov to Shaya Fox and Shani Rosenberg on their Engagement

A very big mazel tov to Shani Rosenberg (Class of ’09) on her engagement to Shaya Fox from Lawrence, New York. Mazel tov to the parents Oscar and Aviva Rosenberg and  Josh and Shiffy Fox, and to the esteemed grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. David Rosenberg. May the young couple merit to build a Bayis Ne’eman b’Yisroel.

One thought on “Mazel Tov to Shaya Fox and Shani Rosenberg on their Engagement

  1. Mazel Tov to the young couple and their extended families. We are so happy to hear this wonderful news. Wishing you all the best, always.
    Zvi and Ruchama

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