Sukkos Activity

All Mesorah students are invited to attend our Chol Hamoed Sukkos activity.

 When: Sunday, September 30 at 7:30 pm

Where: The Rich Family sukkah
               7119 Bremerton Ct.
               Dallas, TX 75252 

 Looking forward to seeing you there. Have a Chag Sameach!

2 thoughts on “Sukkos Activity

  1. We’re really excited for the activity and hope everyone has fun!
    Enjoy the rest of your Sukkot!

  2. The Sukkot activity, which was hosted by the Rich’s, was an art project in which girls painted their own picture frames. We saw some very creative and artistic designs, and we hope everyone had a great time. Rabbi Rich also gave a short D’var Torah about the significance and symbolism of the Sukkah. We would like to thank Dnaiella Lashak, Liba Schwartz, Shani and Ilana, Rosenberg, and Yael Glazer for making the delicious ambrosia and brownies. Also, a big thank you to Liba Schwartz, Daniella Lashak, and Arielle Newman, who stayed afterwards to help clean up.
    We hope everyone had a great time!

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